DuPage County
Elmhurst Snow Removal Questions regarding snow plow operations can be directed towards the Public Works department at: Michael Hughes Director of Public Works 209 N. York St. (Administration Office) 985 S. Riverside Dr. (Maintenance Garage) Elmhurst, IL 60126 Administration: (630) 530-3020 Maintenance: (630) 530-3038
Carol Stream Snow Removal The Public Works Department is responsible for plowing over 100 miles of roadways, using a fleet of 21 plow trucks. Of these, seven (7) have salt spreaders and six (6) have salt spreaders equipped with liquid salt brine anti-icing systems to help remove snow and ice. Contractors are hired to help with the more than 300 cul-de-sacs in the Village. If you have questions regarding snow plowing, see our Snow & Ice Control FAQs. For any further questions, call the Public Works Department at (630) 871-6260.