"What a surprise - no hidden costs! And they were flexible regarding additional service requests. We'd use them again."R.J. Stienstra - Bridge Printing and Promotional Products
"As soon as snow hits the ground, their guys are there. We've been very pleased with the response time."Michelle Trina - Liberman Management
"The service issues we had with other snow removal services have disappeared. My parking lots are cleared, and my tenants are happy."Ryan DApril - DAprile Realty


Northbrook Snow Removal The next snowstorm might be just around the corner! Northbrook 's plowing crews are ready for snow and ice. But what can you do to help ? Be Patient as the Public Works Department Clears our Roadways Remember! It takes approximately six to seven hours after the snow has stopped to clear Northbrook 's 500+ lane miles of roadway and 249 cul-de-sacs, alleys and dead-ends. Heavy, prolonged snowfalls take much longer. Your patience is appreciated. Observe Snowfall Parking Restrictions After a snowfall of two (2) or more inches, it is illegal to park on Northbrook streets until they have been completely cleared. Vehicles in violation are subject to ticketing and towing. If your vehicle has become disabled, call 847 564-2060 to inform the police. Adopt the Nearest Fire Hydrant! In case of an emergency, seconds count! Please assign someone in your household/neighborhood with the responsibility of keeping fire hydrants on or near your property clear of snow. Take Time to Shovel the Public Sidewalks Students, mail carriers, and other pedestrians will appreciate your efforts. Contrary to rumor, state law dictates that there is no liability! (745 ILCS 75/1 and 75/2 of the state statutes generally provide immunity to owners, lessors, or occupants of residential property for shoveling snow.) And don't forget to dig out your refuse and recycling carts if they are left out in the snow! The Village of Northbrook is not responsible for all roadways within the Village limits. Before calling, check the list below. Northbrook is responsible for: • Village Streets (except private roads/streets) • Pfingsten Road (between Highland & Maria) • Shermer Road (north of Willow Rd.) • Skokie Blvd. (within Village limits) To report emergency conditions on the above roads, call 847 272-4711. Cook County Highway Dept. is responsible for: • Lake Cook Road • Landwehr Road (south of Dundee ) • Lee Road (between Walters & Dundee) • Sanders Road • Skokie Frontage Road (2-lane sections south of ComEd) • Sunset Ridge Road(south of Skokie Blvd.) • Techny Road (River bridge to Sanders) • Walters Ave. (east of Waukegan and between Pfingsten & Sanders) To report emergency conditions on county roads, call 847 827-1164. The Illinois Dept. of Transportation is responsible for: • Dundee Road (Route 68) • Pfingsten Rd. (south of Highland , north of Maria) • Waukegan Road (Route 43) • Willow Road • Shermer Road (south of Willow ) To report emergency conditions on Illinois state roads, call 800 865-5394.
