Fighting Ice: Weapons and Tactics

As anyone whose slipped on a patch of ice can tell you - a little salt can go a long way. But basic salt is just one weapon in the war against ice. Here are some examples we are currently evaluating - and how we plan to use them.
Treated Products
Salt is great at combating ice formation - but not if it’s colder than 18°F outside. Salt that’s been pre-treated with calcium chloride-magnesium chloride mixtures can be used at lower temperatures, and will persist on the ground for longer periods of time.
Standard De-Icing
This is salt distribution at its most basic, and most efficient; a hopper with flow control attached to the back of a vehicle, covering ground quickly. Efficient salting is an important first step in ice management.
Liquid Applications
A variety of de-icing liquids exist for road and walkway applications. Generally, liquids can be distributed faster, and can make snow and ice removal less troublesome. Also – in walkways, staircases and other pedestrian traffic areas, backpack sprayers of liquid de-icers can prove ideal. If treated before a large storm, you can avoid buildup of snow and ice in these areas considerably, and removal of what remains is made easier.
Prewetting stockpiles
Spraying de-icers onto salt, whether in storage, or as part of a truck-mounted distribution system, can give the snow and ice melting process a kickstart. It will also decrease the tendency of already plowed snow and ice to refreeze to the pavement.